We cannot eat money

October 31, 2012

“People sometimes ask me about “promotion policy” or “career path” etc. The truth is we do not have such policies because we do not believe in such policies, and companies that have such policies create an illusion of certainty to their employees in a very uncertain world”
– Sridhar Vembu

from https://discussions.zoho.com/intranet/topic/what-is-the-meaning-of-experience-deeper-thinking-deeper-understanding-resourcefulness-initiative#1000000001027054



Reducing “Natural Disasters” is an “Emergency work” for us

Everything else is secondary, we can’t allow Natural disasters to destroy our home (earth)

CHILDLINE covers entire India & now present in every district of India
Childline India Foundation

Lets promote equality

October 31, 2012


“Happiness (Standard of living) doesn’t depend on what you have or whom you are, but solely on what you think” – Dale Carnegie

If we think “positively or optimistically”, then we can be happy even if we are “real-trouble”

from http://sridharvembulifeandwork.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/democracy-has-a-tendency-to-degenerate-into-mobocracy-sridhar-vembu/

“Unfortunately, it has long been recognized (even at the time of the American revolution, in 1776) that democracy has a tendency to degenerate into “mobocracy”. Rule of law and (legal) institutions like the Supreme Court, the Election Commission, and indeed even the office of the President of India, all exist to prevent the possibility of something very horrible happening through democracy”
– Sridhar Vembu

Hence, we must work for “world-peace” to prevent sometime horrible to happen on world

“I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature; and that power, whether vested in many or a few, is ever grasping, and, like the grave, cries, “Give, give!” The great fish swallow up the small, but, whatever occurs, may justice and righteousness be the stability of our times”
– Abigail Adams, Letter to John Adams (27 November 1775)

you are awesome

October 30, 2012
