“Making people happy” in work is the best way to get “higher productivity” in work

June 21, 2011

In work,there is no one called bad worker, no one called unskilled worker

an worker is like a child , a leader/manager is like parent ,
no child can be bad or less skilled by nature ,
its how a parent treat his child makes his child grow & learn things in life

all workers in world have some “unique great” skillset,its the
“responsibility & job” of the leader/manager to identify it & direct & rightly
mentor the worker in right direction for organisation’s & individual’s growth

Its important for leader to identify the worker’s right motivation factors &
groom him/her accordingly, that would be good for both worker & his leader,
once all this is done smartly, leader’s job is almost over, work is almost done

A Good Visionary Productive Leader doesn’t allow his worker to suffer,
doesn’t put him in pressure unnecessarily because innovations are
mostly done by enthusiasm but not by pressurising someone to get things done.

a good visionary leader never ever creates hatred feelings in world at any cost,
instead he motivates his workers in right direction to do wonder in work because
the best way to get higher productivity in work is to make people
smile & make people happy with what they work !